Dr. Thomas Mathew is a retired IAS officer, author, corporate strategist, defence analyst, and photographer. He has a doctorate in international relations from Jawaharlal Nehru University and a Bachelor of Law degree from Delhi University.
He has represented India as the delegation leader in several international conferences and has presented papers in several fora, including those in the United States Department of Defence and Stanford University.
As a bureaucrat, he has held important positions in the Ministries of Finance, Defence, and Industry.
Dr. Mathew initiated several reforms in the Ministry of Defence and authored India’s defence offset policy. In the Ministry of Finance, his contributions include formulation of the scheme for the entry of foreigners under the Qualified Foreign Investors scheme in the Indian Capital Market on January 1, 2012. This subsequently opened the way for more access for FPI investors. The announcement was hailed by the Indian and Foreign media (both financial and non-financial), including the Wall street Journal, CNN and the Financial times, London. Six editorials were written on the announcement in the leading Indian dailies.