While most pallets are made out of wood, pallets can also be made of strong variety plastic, metal, and other robust recycled materials. Since the manual placing of materials on the pallet requires a lot of strength and practice, a Palletizing Systems provides automatic means for stacking cases of goods or products onto a pallet. There are specific types of palletizers including the row-forming where loads are arranged in a row and then moved onto different areas. While a number of industries manufacture and deal in such equipment, Feige Asia stands a step above the rest with a range of liquid filling machines to suit a wide variety of container types such as pails, cans, drums etc. Providing exceptional quality products and flexible solutions to meet the client needs Feige Asia has been consistent player in the mentioned sector.
To know more about Palletizing Systems – http://www.feigeasia.com.sg/Palletizing_systems.html
Feige Filling Technology Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
Address : No. 6 Loyang Lane #02-03, Singapore 508920
Telephone : +65-6546 4955
General Enquiries : feigesgp@singnet.com.sg
Website : http://www.feigeasia.com.sg/