It has been said that what doesn’t kill us potentially makes us stronger but, do we really know how to prepare for “the moment”?
When it comes to strengthen immunity it’s best to maintain your immune cells in a good shape so, they will be able to fight:
- infections,
- bacteria or a virus like
- coronavirus.
Before Covid-19 we were so confident about our health that we didn’t realise how every decision we were making affected us.
Every bite of food, every party until dawn and every stressful situation that got out of our control, has defined the health we have to this day.
This pandemic was a surprise, inopportune and very annoying, which changed the lives of many of us.
The positive side of this situation is the fact that this virus has allowed us to be more aware of the nutrients we consume, exercise we do and the actions we take to boosting your immunity.
There is a microorganism in the air that came uninvited and is lurking around until it gets the slightest chance to get into our bodies.
This is why we must be prepared.
To fight this enemy that we all have in common, I have compiled 10 super effective tips with scientific backing that will guarantee you an active and strong immune system.
1. Sunbathing is as important as breathing
The sun is a key player in the production of vitamin D which is essential for the immune system (1) but during these days of isolation and the arrival of winter, it is important to take it through a D3 supplement to ensure you get the right dose so you can resist infection.
Do you know that feeling of happiness that you can only feel when you are close to a very dear friend?
That’s exactly what happens when you’re out in the sun.
- The sun is that friend that helps you feel better because it increases your serotonin levels (2).
- You also need to have optimum K2 vitamin intakes as these two work best as a pair.
2. The golden powder that boosts your health
Turmeric powder is an ancestral health secret that has become a leading ingredient in our cuisine thanks to its healing properties.
- It has been proven that it has great anti-inflammatory power and is an immune system modulator (3) and that together with black pepper it can boost its effects, which is why these two spices always come together in nutritional supplements.
Add a teaspoon of this wonderful earthy tasting powder to a cup of warm vegetable milk every morning and your immune system will benefit greatly.
3. Leave stress out and let wellness in
Just as the sun is your best friend, the villain’s position in this story is held by stress.
Stress is that silent invader that damages every system in your body without you being able to notice, because it modifies the normal pattern of the hormonal cycle, leading your health to deterioration.
- Reduce your stress level through meditation and 20 minutes of short bouts of HIIT exercises or longer sessions of low-intensity exercise.
Stress is closely related to your body’s immune response to different micro-organisms (4).
A relaxed body will be more aware of external threats and will be able to activate your immune system correctly to fight off infections.
4. The optimal dosage of exercise to stay healthy
As an elite personal trainer London based, it is very pleasing to see how people around the world and not just in London are trying to be more active while being forced to isolate.
- Exercising has multiple health benefits, one of which is to strengthen the immune system (5).
- Sweating is beneficial in helping the body get rid of toxins and making it ready to fight off any viruses.
The only limitation in these times is trying to complete overly long exercise routines, which can affect your immune response.
A 20-30 minute HIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) routine is enough for both your body transformation goals and your immunity.
Get a FREE CONSULTATION to find out which exercise programme is best for you.
5. It is time to choose better snacks
My professional advice is to avoid high spikes in sugar.
The high insulin that results from a diet that is too high in refined carbohydrates creates a favourable environment for infections (6).
When you choose a snack, you’re not the only one eating it, you’re also feeding the microorganisms that live in your intestines.
- The trick is to feed the right guests.
- While your friendly bacteria thrive in an environment high in fiber provided by fruits and vegetables, disease-causing bacteria throw a party every time you eat foods high in sugar and refined flour.
Choose wisely.
Request now your FREE CONSULTATION to discover the proper diet for you.
6. The secret ingredient to populate your gut with good soldiers
Include fermented foods in your diet as kimchee, sauerkraut, kombucha, and coconut yogurt.
- These contain probiotics (7) that will populate your gut with an army of friendly micro-organisms that will fight for your health even if it costs them their very lives.
- Probiotics are those friends you’ll really want to have around.
The immune system is like a police force that is always on the lookout for any threat, which is why it is so important to take care of this team that protects you, especially during this year when we have been hit by a pandemic.
Knowledge is your best weapon, use it wisely!
7. The most controversial protein: Gluten
Gluten is a highly controversial protein.
Many avoid it in the diet without really knowing why.
While there is a significant amount of the population that is intolerant to gluten, even those who are not may also be affected by its consumption.
- This study (8) shows that this protein can activate your immune system and attack your own body even if you are not intolerant.
Gluten promotes leaky gut, which causes the intestine to let particles into your blood that should not enter and this triggers an autoimmune response that can cause a lot of damage throughout your body.
8. Sorry lemons, no hard feelings
Forget about oranges or lemons when it comes to vitamin C, citrus fruits are not the only source of this vitamin, in fact, there are other foods with a higher amount of this micronutrient.
Ensuring our daily dose of vitamin C is crucial for our immune system because it induces the proliferation of cells in our first line of defence (9).
Opt for:
- broccoli
- bell pepper
- parsley
- kale, or
- kiwi fruit which contain a greater amount of this vitamin which is so favourable for your immune system. Imagine a salad with all these ingredients mentioned above: What a healthy feast!
The diet of the future is the one that most closely resembles the diet of the past.