Did you know that your uterus weighs around 40 g?
And that the average weight of the bladder is 32 g? [1],[2]
These numbers make you think: WOW! These organs are really light.
Did you know that –– in case of pregnancy –– the weight of the uterus increases to 1000g or more!
While the bladder can normally carry 500-700ml of urine when it is full. [1], [3]
Also, the pressure inside your belly increases normally during breathing, coughing, sneezing and straining or simply after a heavy meal.
These organs can get really heavy sometimes!
And they definitely need some support.
This is when your pelvic floor comes into play.
Keep tuned to learn more about your pelvic floor, and the best poses of yoga for pelvic pain and yoga for endometriosis.
What is Pelvic Floor?
At the bottom of your pelvis, there is a hammock-like combination of muscles and ligaments known as the Levator Ani muscles or the pelvic floor. [4]
These muscles carry the weight of your internal organs such as the uterus, vagina and the bladder. [4], [5]
In addition, the pelvic floor contracts all the time to prevent urine from skipping, and it relaxes occasionally to allow voiding. [5],[6]
It also plays a similarly important role in:

- Controlling the process of defecation (passing stool)
- Maintaining a proper position of the pelvis
- Maintaining proper alignment and posture
- Maintaining core stability with the diaphragm and abdominal muscles [6]
For this reason, it is important to pay special attention to your pelvic floor muscles and ensure that you keep them in order.
Say goodbye to the old and outdated Kegel’s exercises and say hello to new programmes of yoga for pelvic pain and even yoga for endometriosis.
- If you have pelvic pain or uncomfortable time in bed with your partner.
- Or embarrassing leakage when you laugh or sneeze, and if the exercises you received are not working for you.
It is the right time to implement the best yoga for pelvic floor exercises to root out pelvis dysfunction!
- Mais will help you pack all pelvic floor yoga benefits in one programme made specially for you.
- Contact Mais Talie now !
Hypertonic & Hypotonic Pelvic Floor Explained
Did you know that pelvic floor dysfunction is just a wide umbrella that lays shadow on different types of pelvic problems?
Each pelvic problem results in specific symptoms, and thus requires a specific yoga for pelvic floor programme.
Based on these facts, it is important to find out whether your pelvic floor is hypo – or hypertonic. [7], [8]
What is a Hypertonic Pelvic Floor?
Hypertonicity (increased tone) of the pelvis is also known as pelvic floor spasm, non-relaxing pelvic floor and pelvic floor overactivity. [7]
There are several reasons behind an overactive pelvic floor.
But the most common non-neurogenic causes include:
- Pelvic surgery,
- Vaginal delivery,
- Injury to your back or pelvis,
- If you have an abnormal walking pattern (e.g., from a flat foot)
- Chronic pelvic pain,
- History of sexual abuse,
- Chronic emotional stress
- Frequently holding oneself to inhibit micturition. [7]

So, what are the Symptoms of a Spasmed Pelvic Floor?
When your pelvic muscles are spasmed, they result in a number of symptoms that are different from a hypotonic pelvic floor.
The most common symptoms are:
- Pelvic pain that refers to other areas such as the abdomen, thighs or the buttocks.
- Problems with sexual arousing and satisfaction.
- Urge incontinence
- Pelvic heaviness [7]
Hypotonic Pelvic Floor: What is the difference?
Unlike hypertonic pelvic muscles, hypotonicity of the pelvic floor means your muscles are too weak and are unable to support your pelvic organs.
As a result, you may notice one or more of the following symptoms:
- Leakage of urine when you cough, sneeze or laugh. (i.e., stress incontinence)
- Dysfunction in micturition and defecation
- Organ prolapses (e.g., vaginal, rectal)
- Sexual dysfunction [8]
Did you know that these symptoms are directly caused by hypotonicity of your pelvic floor?
Yet, you may notice indirectly-related symptoms such as pelvic pain, low back pain and abnormal posture. [8],[6]
This type of weak pelvic floor requires customised yoga for pelvic floor strength programme in addition to laser sharp lifestyle modifications.
These two will help you relieve the pressure on your pelvic floor.
- Still unable to decide whether you have weak or tight pelvic floor muscles?
The best London expert in teaching yoga for pelvic pain Mais Talie will help you understand your problems and create the best customised solutions for you.
Seven Yoga Poses to Restore Your Pelvic Health
Because you are special, you deserve a special rehabilitation programme that harnesses all pelvic floor yoga benefits and helps you connect to the deeper parts of your body.
That’s right, there are a countless number of asanas in yoga for pelvic pain.

These yoga asanas can help you:
- Restore the balance of your pelvic floor
- Balance the tone of your Levator Ani muscles
- Reduce low back pain
- Correct the position of your pelvis
- Strengthen your pelvic floor
- Prevent organ prolapse and
- Improve your posture. [9], [10]